Saturday, May 18, 2024


Are you still struggling to build a book brand that will supercharge your book promotion strategy? If so, allow me to introduce you to someone who’s mastered the art…..

Abbie Sharman

book promotion

With over a decade of experience in the publishing industry, Abbie has collaborated with renowned publishers like Thames and Hudson, Octopus, and Bloomsbury, shaping highly-illustrated non-fiction titles into timeless treasures.

Today, she’s not just crafting books; she’s sculpting brands that are bold, future-proof, and designed to captivate.

Let’s dive into Abbie’s world, where she unveils innovative brand building strategies that you can use to effectively promote your book.


Some common pitfalls of developing your brand as an author, mainly revolve around:

  1. Lack of consistency: If you’re not consistent, people might feel like they’re in the wrong place and lose trust in you. Building trust is crucial because people are investing their money. It’s essential to make conscious choices and stick to these.
book promotion
  1. Disconnection between various social media platforms: It’s okay to have personal and professional accounts, but consider making personal accounts private if they’re not for everyone. This allows you to have more control over your reputation, as your brand is essentially your reputation. Think of it as being careful about what you say to your boss. It’s fine to share, but be conscious of what you’re sharing and whether it’s appropriate for everyone.
  1. Frequent changes to their look: Even when rebranding, it’s essential to maintain a connection with your audience and give a nod to your legacy. Look at iconic brands like Coca-Cola or Nike; they rarely change their logo or colors but still find ways to update their appearance and message without starting from scratch.

When it comes to visual identity, many people make poor font choices. Even if you’re a designer, stick to two legible fonts and consider how they appear at different sizes and styles. Consistency is key here too.

The choice of images matters too; try to make them visually similar, whether they’re photographs or illustrations. They should look like they belong together on your platform.

Remember, you’re not just posting content; you’re building a brand and a legacy. Reframe how you think about it – it’s something to be proud of, not a chore. Approach it with pride and intentionality, and it will elevate your brand beyond just content creation.


You’ve probably heard a lot about having, a unique selling proposition, (USP), especially in business. This concept is just as crucial for books, especially coming from my experience in nonfiction. How I approach this might differ from what a fiction author would do, but the essence remains the same.

book promotion
  1. Analyze your competition: I always encourage authors to thoroughly analyze their competition. Understand their chapter structures, the length of their books, whether they received endorsements from well-known figures in the industry, and what reviewers on platforms like Amazon are saying. These insights are valuable for understanding where your product can excel.
  1. Identify your key selling points: It’s important to identify your own key selling points clearly. How are you positioning your book? Are there any comparisons you can draw? Is it James Bond meets Harry Potter? Is it Atomic Habits or acrylic painting? Drawing these types of comparisons helps potential readers understand and relate to your work before they commit to buy.
  1. Identify what makes you different: This is crucial for effective communication with your audience. Consider creating a sales sheet with a brief description, key stats, keep selling points, information on competitors, and potential publishers. Knowing which publishers might be interested in your work, even if you’re not pursuing traditional publishing, is valuable.

Remember, you being the author can also be a key sales point. If you have an established background in the area and can be considered an expert, highlight that. If you have a large following on social media, make sure you include those facts too.

Do you share segments of your book daily? Exploring different posting methods can set you apart from competitors. Just make sure to focus on effectively communicating that your content is what your target audience is looking for.

Ultimately, there are countless ways to differentiate yourself and highlight what makes you unique. Start with a list, dive deep into each point, and find creative ways to stand out in the crowded market.


When building an online presence, it’s crucial to focus on where your audience is, rather than just your preferred platform. Actively engage with them in community groups and forums, fostering genuine connections and authenticity around your personal brand and work.

  1. Developing content strategies is essential: Identify where you should post but working out where your ideal customers are. Then create content pillars to ensure that you’re reaching the right people and increasing the reach strategically. Here are some different types of post to consider:
  • Educational posts: These should offer actionable insights and build your authority in the subject area.
  • Bonding posts: Share personal experiences, connecting with your readers on a human level.
  • Showcase posts: These are your opportunities to showcase your work, whether through the collaborative process with illustrators or insights into your writing process, to provide a behind-the-scenes look and engage your audience differently.
  • Sales posts: These posts are designed to get the reader to perform an action, in this case to buy your book.

book promotion
  1. Don’t shy away from selling your work: Focus on explaining why they should buy your book, emphasizing its value and relevance to them. No one likes to be sold to but it’s ok to remind people that you have books for them to buy. Just remember to use these types of post sparingly.
  1. Get to know the platform: Learn about the platform algorithms and preferences for text, images, or video content. Knowing what your chosen social media platform prioritizes can give you a huge advantage. Then take a look at your personal analytics to determine what performs best and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Remember to maintain consistency in your online presence and communication with your audience.


Today, you have access to a global market, but it’s crucial to realize that you don’t need to appeal to everyone, and in fact, you shouldn’t want to.

  1. Focus on attracting your tribe: These are the people who resonate with you and your work. Your tribe will be the most loyal and supportive. Encourage them to share your content and spread the word about your book among like-minded individuals.
  1. Choose your looks carefully: When considering the design of your personal brand, such as logos and colors, it’s essential to understand the cultural meanings behind them. Colors, in particular, can hold different connotations in various parts of the world, so make deliberate choices to avoid alienating important segments of your market.

Conduct research or collaborate with experts who understand these cultural nuances to ensure your branding is inclusive and resonates globally.

  1. Be aware sensitivities in different regions: What may be acceptable or trendy in one country could be controversial or outdated in another. Pay attention to cultural sensitivities regarding topics like religion or nudity, as overlooking these can have consequences, especially in publishing and printing processes. Understand that different cultures have diverse perspectives and backgrounds, and tailor your approach accordingly..

Remember, you don’t need to appeal to everyone. Focus on your target audience, those who connect with you authentically. Building a loyal tribe will elevate your brand and propel you to the next level.


When considering emerging trends in publishing and how to stay ahead of the curve, it’s essential to be strategic and selective rather than chasing every viral opportunity.

  1. Focus on relevant trends: Focus on trends that align with your brand and target audience to avoid investing effort in pursuits that won’t yield meaningful results. Platforms like TikTok offer valuable opportunities for book promotion, particularly through authentic content creation and influencer collaborations. However, it’s crucial to choose influencers who genuinely resonate with your brand to maintain authenticity and credibility.
  2. Look out for new features: Keeping abreast of social media platform developments and adapting your content strategy accordingly is vital. For instance, platforms often prioritize content formats introduced through new features, such as YouTube’s promotion of shorts.
  3. Think outside the box: While traditional book tours may be declining, authors can organize virtual tours at a lower cost, leveraging reviews, interviews, live readings, and interactive sessions to engage with readers globally. Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter can also provide opportunities to validate book ideas and reduce financial risk for publishers.
  4. Consider different formats: Subscription models like Audible offer convenience for readers and can enhance book visibility and review acquisition. It’s important to think about how your ideal readers consume content, and if they tend to be active this can be a good way to still get your book to them.
  5. AI in publishing: Machine learning and AI will likely play significant roles in publishing moving forward but through initiatives, such as Google’s EEAT guidelines, I expect that there will be an increased effort to ensure that human touches and perspective are added to AI content to make it unique, creative and valuable.  
  6. Book experiences: I’m expecting that AI will help us to see a resurgence of interactive books but I’m also excited to see the pop-up store and brand home style experiences used in retail make an appearance in the publishing space. Think about innovative physical book experiences that provide exciting possibilities for immersive reader engagement.

Ultimately, maintaining agility, innovation, and a reader-centric focus will set authors apart in the evolving landscape of publishing. By leveraging emerging technologies and creating compelling brand experiences, authors can elevate their work and unlock new opportunities for success.

Let’s wrap up

This is the end of this amazing interview session with Abbie, we hope to bring more educative interview sessions your way. In addition to this, you can discover 10 best ways on how to promote your book for free or at a very low coast by clicking here. Above all I wish you all the best in your book branding adventure.

Bridget Austin
Bridget Austin
Hey dear, I'm Bridget Austin, I'm delighted to share this little background information about me. I'm a scriptwriter and author, and I run Inkwrit. I'm so pleased that you're here today and I believe that you'd love it here. Once again welcome to Inkwrit Please feel free to reach out to us if you need anything, we'll respond as quickly as possible. Stay Creative, Bridget Austin


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