How Can I Write My Marketing Plan For My Book

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Do you know that every minute and seconds someone is launching a product and making a sale? Interestingly, this is what also happens in the book industry and as I write this article an author is jubilating over a sale!

Authors that are making sales, are not succeeding because they’ve written the best books; though this a prerequisite however they could be succeeding because they’ve a template called a book marketing plan.

In this article – how can I write my marketing plan for my book? I’ll be talking about:

  • Meaning of a book marketing plan
  • Importance of a book marketing plan
  • Things to consider before writing a marketing plan for your book

Let’s dive in…

#1. Meaning Of A Book Marketing Plan

A book marketing plan is the strategic analysis, formula, action, or implementation, you have put in place to market your book. It can either be drafted by you or a book promotion company.

To make your plan effective, you ought to understand your target readers, showcasing what makes your book unique, and apply both online and traditional method of marketing.

However your plan should not only focus on creating an outstanding book launch, creating buzz through events and promotions, or using promotional materials like trailers and posters, but it should center on building a thriving community.

In actual sense, your plan should be a roadmap that ensures that your book goes from being words on paper/online screen to a captivating experience in the mind of your audience.

How Can I Write My Marketing Plan For My Book

#2. Importance Of A Book Marketing Plan

The effectiveness of a marketing plan is not subject to the high amount of money you pour into it, it’s the strategy you apply that matters.

This is why it’s important to understand why you need a good marketing plan, so that you’ll be able to strategize and aim well.

To cut the chase, here are the importance of writing a book marketing plan….

  1. It’s key to your success:   A book marketing plan is vital for the success of your book because it outlines how you can effectively promote and position your book in the market. Without a plan, even a well-written book may struggle to gain recognition and readership.
  • It gives you a sense of direction:  A marketing plan acts as a compass; it provides a clear path for promoting the book. It spells out specific goals, target audiences, and the steps needed to achieve them.
  • It creates a buzz about your book:  An effective marketing plan generates excitement and interest around your book. This involves promotional activities such as teaser campaigns, social media posts, and engaging content to create anticipation and curiosity among potential readers.
  • It gets your book in front of your audience:  The plan includes targeted strategies to reach the intended audience, whether through online platforms, traditional media, or specific events. The goal is to ensure that the book is brought to the attention of those most likely to enjoy it.
  • It increases visibility for your book:  Visibility is critical to a book’s success. A marketing plan includes tactics to enhance the book’s visibility in the market, such as securing reviews, participating in book fairs, or leveraging influencers to reach a wider audience.
  • It fuels your sense of excitement and anticipation around your book: When you write your book marketing plan, this makes you feel excited and create a sense of anticipation within you. You can’t wait to see your book in the hands of your reader.
  • It helps you to understand your target audience: A book marketing plan can assist you in understanding your audience better, allowing you to tailor your promotional efforts to reach the right readers more effectively.
  • Improve book sales: A well-executed marketing plan can boosts your book sales by increasing visibility, and its appeal before your target audience.
How Can I Write My Marketing Plan For My Book

#3.Things To Consider Before Writing Marketing Plan For Your Book

The fact is, writing a book marketing plan is excellent, however before doing this you need to consider key factors:

1. Target Audience:

You want your book marketing to hit its mark, then define your readership—understand their interests, preferences, and behaviors. Then tailor your marketing efforts to appeal directly to this audience.

2 Location:

Consider where your target audience is located. Whether it’s a specific region, country, or online community, understanding the geographical aspect can influence your promotional strategies.

3. Industry:

Identify the industry or niche your book falls into. This helps in positioning your book within a specific market and tailoring your marketing approach accordingly.

4. Finance:

 Assess your budget for marketing activities. Determine how much you can allocate for promotional materials, advertising, and other expenses.

5. Demography:

Considering the demographics of your target audience like, age, gender, education level, and other demographic factors can help you communicate and connect effectively with your readers.  

6. Problem:

For non-fiction writers, you’ve to define the problem your book addresses or the need it fulfills. Understanding the problem your book solves can inform your marketing messaging and targeting.

7. Competitor:

Research and analyze competitors in your genre. Identify what works well in their marketing strategies and areas where you can differentiate yourself.

8. Price:

Determine the pricing strategy for your book. Consider how your pricing aligns with industry standards and your target audience’s willingness to pay.

9. Relationship:

Build relationships within the industry, whether with other authors, influencers, or key figures. Collaborative efforts can enhance your book’s visibility and give you sales you desire effortlessly.

10. Outreach:

Plan how you’ll reach your audience. This involves selecting channels, platforms, and methods to effectively communicate your book’s message. Look into the various social channels and go with the one that can help you gain the publicity you need for your book.

11. Social Media:

Leverage social media platforms to connect with your audience. Develop a strategy for each platform, considering content, frequency, and engagement.

12. Email Marketing:

Implement an email marketing strategy to directly connect with your audience. This can include newsletters, updates, and exclusive content to maintain reader engagement. Email marketing is that effective if you know how to tailor and personalize your emails to get to the hearts of your reader. 

How Can I Write My Marketing Plan For My Book

#4. How Can I Write My Marketing Plan For My Book:

Like I said earlier, your marketing plan is not subject to the amount of money you put in, rather your strategy.

To help you write your marketing plan for your book, I’m going to be sharing a formula shared by Kristen Martin on her YouTube channel – how to write a book marketing plan.” This plan, will show you the right practical insights and give you the details that should be part of your promotional plan.

Here’re the information required, when writing a marketing plan for your book:

  1. Header information
  2. Image of your book cover and back cover blurb
  3. Brief overview( include the price & target audience)
  4. Book marketing plan
  5. Contact information
  1. Header:

Insert your logo (though optional) at the top left of your marketing plan; and at the top right should contain your contact information.


  • Book Cover And Back Cover Blurb:

Right under the title of your ‘’marketing plan,’’ should be the title of your book and in parentheses, should be the year of your book’s publication or when it will be published; and by should be placed right before your name.

E.g: Wannawrite? Discover How To Write, What To Write, And How To Earn Quickly (2023) By Bridget Austin

Place the Image of your book cover to the left side, then go ahead and paste your book cover blurb at the right side.

How Can I Write My Marketing Plan For My Book
  • Brief Overview: Your overview tells the person who’s reading it, ‘’ the timing, cost, and target audience.  This is the point, you state if your book is for children, young adults, or adults. You also include the genre of your book; e.g. my target market is adults Age 18-35 who want to learn how to harness their creative writing skills and discover ways to quicken their earnings.
  • The timing is the date you set outside for your marketing plan. It states the duration of your marketing and promotion campaign. It also covers how long you are willing to promote your book after it is launched.
  • Cost speaks of budget and what you’re willing to spend for your marketing plan to be successful.

There is no fixed amount that you can budget, the fact is you should determine if you’re going to stick with free/low cost strategies such as social media or you’re going to run paid ads.

  • Book Marketing plan: what you include into your marketing plan are:
  • PR/Publicity Information: in here, you’ve your Author Press Kit, Interviews with presses, radio, tv stations, professional book reviews and press releases. For nonfiction marketing plan, you can include endorsements, testimonials, and print articles from journals/newspapers.
  • Public speaking/platform growth: you can volunteer for local organization that needs speakers, take part in writer’s workshop, networking events. Sign up with writing organization, attend local and national conferences such as Leviosa con, comic con etc.  You can attend parties, launches, and create promotional materials.
  • Internet marketing: this include the following:  Author website, Amazon , Blog/ social networking, Word of mouth, Advertising , Email marketing, Affiliate program and SEO optimization
  • Joint ventures/ partnerships: this covers, cross promotion with other authors, Booktubers , Book bloggers, Youtube partnership, Guest blog posts, Live interviews
  • Mass sales opportunities: here you’re to state if you’re going into, corporate sponsorships, partner with local schools, libraries, and literacy charities, carry out direct marketing to libraries/distributors.
  • Contact information: this is where you should include your contact information, picture of yourself, name and work title (author and mentor). Email, website, social handles and channels.

Let’s wrap up

A concrete book marketing plan is an essential tool you can rely on and achieve your end goal.

If you want to work with publishers, presenting your book marketing plan to them, would serve as an additional advantage.

However, when creating your plan, you need to cultivate the positive mindset, be willing to learn, tweak things and adapt to changes that may come.

Above all I wish you the best in your book marketing plan adventure. Please help grow this community by sharing this post.

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