12 Ultimate Book Writing Tips Helping Aspiring Book Authors

27 ViewsBook is simply, the container of an idea-like a bottle; what is inside the book…

29 Powerful Book Marketing Strategies You Can Rely On

42 ViewsBook Marketing Strategies You Can Rely On Writing in today’s publishing industry is tough. The…

Special Guide On How To Become A Ghostwriter

34 ViewsHow To Become A Ghostwriter Ghostwriting once considered a shady cousin of plagiarism, has lately…

What Does A Book Editor Do Behind The Scenes?

36 ViewsIn this illuminating interview, Bridget Austin engages in a captivating conversation with Shamila Iyer, a…

10 Things Abdullahi Said About Upwork Copywriting

170 ViewsHey reader good in this interview session, we going to talking about Upwork copywriting with…

3 Easy Steps On How to Write a Mystery Short Story

37 ViewsSome time in 2016, I was addicted to a channel in GoTv called E. It…