For every result there is an action, and for every action there’s a reason. The reason why you’re reading this article – how to write a book in 7 days, could be that you’re a newbie looking for how to quickly get started as a writer or you’re pro writer who wants to learn something new or perhaps you’re a business person who wants to learn how to write a book pretty fast.
Whatever be your reason, I dare say you’re in the right place because I took out time to ask 4 of my social media contacts who are expert writers if it’s possible to write a book in a week.
And here’s what they have to say…

Asma Malik– Yes, it’s possible to write a short book in 7 days, with a meticulously planned outline, sorted chapters & a clear tone plus structure. But making it all shiny & polished with editing might take a bit more time.

Heather– Writing a book in 7 days? I am sure it’s possible if you know the topic and there’s little research required or if you are combining content you have already written. If it’s a short book or a fiction that requires little verification of content. Maybe you could create a good solid template in 7 days and the research and editing after. You could always use AI to give you a good foundation. From nothing to publish in 7 days is a reach IMO.

Boluwatife Segun – To answer your question, there are many perspectives to this. Some experts don’t believe writing a book in 30 days is feasible, but I’ve achieved that with my students.
If we’re talking about getting your drafts out in 7 days, well, with effective outline, it’s possible.

Stephanie Jane– Depends what the book is about I guess.
I imagine some people could. If it’s a short book or the writer is going to use AI.
I mean if the writer uses AI they could easily do it… but would it be any good? I think a good writer could put a book together writing about something they are passionate about in 7 days.
Yeah, you just read what the expert writers have to say, however I want to add more to what they have said….
How To Write A Book In 7 Days
According to our expert authors, they all agreed that writing a book within a week is possible if you take the right steps and in my opinion I believe this is achievable if (1) the book is short (2) you’re willing to put in the effort.
For the purpose of clarity I’ll be breaking down the processes you can take to write a book within 7 days into 8 methods but first let’s start with the….
Mindset renewal
Whatever you want to achieve, as a human, you must work on your mind, be positive about your quest so that your mind will be willing to give it a shot. Our mind is where all actions take place, if you tell yourself that it is possible to write your book within a week then it will happen. Guide your mind against things that will sabotage your plan.

1. Be passion driven
As Stephanie has rightly said, ‘’good writer could put a book together writing about something they are passionate about in 7 days.’’ This is very correct; passion is the driving force that fuels your zeal to achieve a desired result. Before you start writing make sure, you are coming from the place of passion. This will keep you in check, give you the energy to start and at the end you would be able to finish your book.
2. Pick a familiar topic
This confirms what Heather stated – ‘’Writing a book in 7 days? I am sure it’s possible if you know the topic,’’ and I agree with her. When it comes to writing, there is a place of expertise or authority. Your expertise or authority is what you could either be trained for, or known for. If you’re a fiction writer you might want to check our writing prompts here. And if you’re into non- fiction writing, take a look at the prompts we have here.
3. Carry out a semi wild research
There is no way you can come up with a book without researching. Research is what enables you to verify your facts and expand your knowledge. And like Heather also said in her statement, ‘’I am sure it’s possible if you know the topic and there’s little research required.’’ The place of research can never be neglected, because research not only equips you with facts, but it helps you to have enough information that will aid your writing in the next 7 days.

4. Create a quick outline
‘’Yes, it’s possible to write a short book in 7 days, with a meticulously planned outline, sorted chapters & a clear tone plus structure.’’ These are the very statements of Asma she agreed that it’s possible to write a book in 7 days if you’ve meticulously planned your outline. And her statement is backed by Boluwatife, who stated that – ‘’If we’re talking about getting your drafts out in 7 days, well, with effective outline, it’s possible. I’m happy that these experts share the same view points but my point here is you must draft your outline as quick as possible. Don’t fall into the trap of ensuring to come up with a perfect outline.
5. Create schedule and stick with it
We live in a busy world, and everyone is busy, however to condition yourself to write, you’ve to create a strict writing schedule. This schedule will be a reminder, conditioner and what you’ll follow all through these 7 days of writing. To keep you accountable to your schedule, you can turn your quest to 7 days writing challenge.
The best schedule you can create is the one that fits with your busy life and can keep up with- just create your schedule and stick with it!
6. Write, write and write
There’s an emphasis here, write, write and write – you want to write a book in 7 days then you’ve to put a lot of energy writing. Use every available hour and free periods to write, write with your mobile devices. You can later transfer your work to your laptop. What if your environment is full of distractions, then you can go for a retreat, where you will be alone writing.
7. Voice your book (Pro tip)
You want to write a book within a week? Then voice your book, this is the same method, Co-founder of Scribe Tucker Max makes use of to write books for his clients.
After voicing your book, you can transcribe it using software like REV, and its likes. Though I’m yet to try out voicing but I have found out that it’s very effective in saving time and you won’t go through the stress of writing. If you don’t love writing but you want to write a book, then voicing your book and transcribing it will help you arrive at your goal.

8. Use AI
This is the last option, and just as Heather and Stephanie said you can make use of AI to easily create a good foundation. People are using AI’s to write and sell books these days, however if you want to make use of AI, I suggest you use it to generate a template or foundation.
Here’s a prompt you can use to generate your book using Chatgpt:
- You’re a renowned writer, you’ve written over 10 books.
- Your task is to write a non-fiction book about “how to start an ecommerce business.’’
- The steps to complete the tasks are:
- organize the book into a clearly defined structure and main ideas.
Each chapter should focus on a subtopic.
Conclusion should tie everything together
Revise the draft for clarity after you wrote it
The final result should be informative, easy to read, & inspirational to people wanting to start an ecommerce business.
- Here are the following constraints:
- It should be around 4000 words in length
- 4-5 chapters
- It should focus on ecommerce
- Write it at a college level
A recap, writing a book in 7 days is possible and like one of our experts have listed it boils down to working with a meticulously planned outline, sorted chapters & a clear tone plus structure and more. But making it all shiny & polished with editing might take a bit more time.
Yes, I hope you found this article ‘’how to write a book in 7 days informative, you can leave a comment to let us know what you think. Above all I wish you all the best in your writing adventure.