The Gift of Being Intentional: A backdrop for Mindset Shift.

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The best gift anyone ever gave to me were books, either novels, nonfiction or personal development books. Those gifts are particularly dear to my heart. One of such books is Gifted Hands which was given to me by my crush who had no idea he was my crush. This experience shaped my mindset towards learning and growth.

It was a sunny day, his wire rimmed glasses sat on his nose casting a scholarly countenance on a seemingly athletic guy. He had been in town to see his mom who happened to be a teacher in my school, a boarding school. His presence influenced my mindset and inspired me to pursue my passions.

The visit was harmless and in no way useless. Although it was an All Girls Secondary school, he helped improve our drama club and created departments for the smooth running of the club. I did not join to be an actor, I joined to create stories and he taught me how to write daily, even if it was just a page each morning. He was always seen in open spaces, staring into space and crafting written pieces, helping to shape my mindset towards creativity.

He was strange, like one possessed by the gods of creativity but that strangeness was his magnet. It is safe to say he was one of the people that inducted a fourteen year old into creative writing but what he did was light up my mind with a gift, ‘Gifted Hands’ and here’s how.

The Gift

In Ben Carson’s story, the true hero in my opinion was his mother. If you have read his books, you will realize his life was shaped by a woman who was dealing with trauma but she chose to have faith and rise above her limitations, which were many by the way, and she forged on despite the challenges and those choices influenced the life of her children – Curtis and Ben.

Mama didn’t know how to read but she learnt how to so she could guide her boys and give them a life better than the one she had. Her intentionality birthed a mindset shift that changed the course of their lives. Though Ben Carson is on the big screens and has left a mark on the sands of time, someone’s sacrifice and intentionality that stemmed from a mindset shift paved the way.

The Issue of Mindset Shift

No matter how you think about it, you are what you think. Not everyone is a believer but at some point, you may have heard ‘As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.’ You will expand to the level of your belief and this can be weighed by what you consistently believe or take in. This is a fresh year, you cannot keep being pessimistic because it is the energy you feed the universe it brings back to you.

Thinking negatively is the foundation for limitation. Most limitations are internal, especially with introverts who tend to overthink and this is why you should digest positive things or speak positively about yourself. Also, if it helps, have a community of positive people to help you especially if you struggle with internal pessimism so you won’t be your own limitation.

“Those who believe they can do something and those who believe they cannot do something, both of them are right” -Henry Ford

Reasons why you should have a positive mindset going forward:

  1. For yourself:-You need confidence to win in life despite the rejections and disappointments. It will not be easy but it is better than sinking into a loophole of depression and suicidal thoughts. Do this first for you.
  2. For your loved ones:– When you are well, you can treat others well and handle relationships and friendships with genuine empathy, sincere respect and kindness.
  3. For a better life experience:The universe feeds you what you feed it so if you consistently feed it negativity, it will bring a double portion of negativity your way. I doubt you want those boulders of negativity pelting your way through life. Just remember, ‘your life will expand to the level of your belief or shrink to the level of your disbelief’– Korede Komaiya.

Step by Step Practical Tips to Develop a Positive and Healthy Mindset

These steps have proven to change and aid mental development and perception towards the outlook of life and you can find a resourceful material to aid your journey titled Mindset Shift on this website. It is a very practical guide but here are a few tips.

  1. Stop throwing yourself a pity party. The world will not end because you’ve been hurt so chin up.
  2. You need to start afresh by turning that pain to gain.
  3. Forgive and be compassionate towards yourself or others (if trauma or pain lingers). Roll away the boulder of guilt and let in fresh air.
  4. Be intentional about positivity.
  5. Read books or listen to podcasts to grasp the motivation and emotional support of people who have walked similar paths or can help.
  6. Keep a diary, journal or self improvement report on your journey and the process. This will help to keep you in check even on your vulnerable days.
  7. If you can, please get an accountability partner, mentor or community who will listen but not judge and help you keep track of your progress. Please, choose trustworthy people.
  8. Replace negativity with positivity by boldly affirming positive things.


I hope you know you are beneficial to the universe and there are people your story can help? Just like Ben Carson, your mindset can be an asset to you and others so if you struggle with your mindset frame, send a message to this contact and let them help you or you can check out Mindset Shift on the website.

‘Nothing can limit you unless you permit it’ – Korede Komaiya.

Your mind is a magnet, what is your mind magnifying?

To read short stories, poems, and articles on SEO writing for the sake of education, entertainment or skillet development, check Inkwrit.

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