Poetry Literary Magazines Accepting Submissions

These magazines publish poetry of various styles, blending literary and genre-focused publications. Some also accept fiction and nonfiction submissions. Note that availability for submissions may vary, and not all magazines are currently open. Additionally, some publications offer payment to contributing writers. The following list is presented in no particular order.

Lit Fox Books: Lit Fox Poetry Series Submissions

This innovative press is seeking exceptional poetry for The Lit Fox Poetry Series. Each quarter, they showcase one outstanding poem, offering a payment of $150 and a three-month feature as their top poem. Submit up to 5 poems, following the specified guidelines. In addition to the series, Lit Fox Books publishes full-length volumes and presents a prestigious poetry award. Details here.


This literary magazine, affiliated with UC Santa Barbara, is accepting submissions for Issue 68. “We’re open to fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art, but don’t let traditional genres constrain you. If it can be printed, we’ll consider it.” This includes sheet music, photography, collages, and experimental works. They welcome all genres and forms. Submit up to 5 poems via their online form. Deadline: December 31, 2024. Details here.


Rattle publishes a wide range of poetry and is currently accepting submissions for various sections. They host a monthly ekphrastic challenge; see the current challenge and submit your poem responding to the visual prompt here. They’re also reading submissions for Rattlecast Prompt Poems, food-themed poems, Poets Respond (responding to a news story or event from the previous week), and general poems. Submit up to 4 poems. Payment is $100 for online publications and $200 for print publications. Details here.

The Broken Spine

The Broken Spine seeks poetry that “excites us and shakes us to the bone.” They favor work with imaginative language, showing rather than telling, and a strong sense of place. Specifically, they prefer narrative poetry with “a sense of flair/voice/style.” They value emotions, feelings, honesty, and bravery, but emphasize the importance of cultivating these elements.

Submit up to 2 poems. Online submissions are fee-free and accepted via a form. Submissions are open through December. Details here.

The Paris Review

The Paris Review will begin accepting poetry submissions, including translations, on January 1, 2025. Once their Submittable cap is reached, online submissions will close, but mailed submissions postmarked by January 31 will still be considered. For details on their annual submission schedule, visit their website. Payment terms are not specified. Details here


Abridged, a magazine and exhibition maker, seeks poetry and art submissions on the theme “Legion.” They’re interested in works that delve into “the fear of difference, the tyranny of common sense and the voice of the crowd.” Successful submissions will be published in A5 format. Submit up to 3 poems by January 12, 2025. Abridged is supported by The Arts Council of Northern Ireland and The Arts Council of Ireland. Details here.


Anthropocene, an online poetry journal, welcomes submissions, including translations, through December. There is no fee to submit. Send up to 3 poems for consideration. Details here.

Variant Literature

Variant Literature is accepting poetry submissions: send up to 5 poems, totaling no more than 10 pages. They also consider fiction, flash, and micro submissions. Submissions received by December 31, 2024, will be considered for the March 2025 issue. Payment for accepted works is $10. Details here.

Chantarelle’s Notebook

Chantarelle’s Notebook welcomes submissions of poetry (3-5 poems), video poetry, and flash fiction. Details here.

Gully Magazine

Gully Magazine is accepting submissions for their second issue, seeking fiction and poetry. Payment rates are $15 for poems and flash fiction (under 1,000 words), and $30 for longer fiction (1,000+ words). Submit up to 5 poems by December 31, 2024.  Details here.

Poetry London

This is a publication that showcases contemporary poetry. Submissions are welcome, with up to six poems accepted per entry. Additionally, they consider translations, stating “We are particularly keen to read poems in translation, especially translations from endangered languages.”

In terms of compensation, Poetry London pays poets £30 per poem, with adjustments made for exceptionally long pieces. Review and interview fees are negotiated in advance with the Reviews Editor, benchmarked at £50 per 1,000 words. Details here and here

Password: the journal of very short poetry

The editor seeks extremely concise poems, no more than 25 syllables, that showcase a unique voice. “I want to see very short (no more than about 25 syllables) poems that only you could have written,” they state. This includes English translations of similarly brief poems from other languages. They’re drawn to qualities like “concrete imagery, disjunction, surprise, innovation, juxtaposition of unlike images, surrealism, concrete and visual poetry.”

Submit 5-10 poems in any format, but keep each one within the 25-syllable limit. Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis, with a cutoff date of January 31, 2025, for the next issue. Details here.

Strange Horizons

This publication seeks speculative, science fiction, and fantasy poetry. They’re open to exploring the boundaries of speculative poetry, and welcome submissions that challenge and redefine the genre. A speculative poem might experiment with language, narrative, or form, and could explore themes such as the intersection of the mundane and the fantastical, or the experiences of individuals with non-human or fantastical bodies.

The editors value both formalism and experimentality, and look for poems that substantiate their forms or experimentations. They emphasize that a weak concept, even in a traditional form like rhyme, is still a weak concept – “sonnet plus spaceship” is not enough. They accept up to 6 poems and pay $50 per poem.

Details here (links to submission guidelines for all genres/formats), here (poetry guidelines), here (poetry submission portal).  


This award-winning poetry journal is open to submissions, seeking new and innovative poetry, as well as poetry translations. They also welcome articles, debate, commentary, and reviews of recent poetry publications. Submissions can include up to 6 poems or a single essay. Details here.

Josephine Quarterly

This journal combines poetry and art, and is currently accepting submissions. You can send up to 5 poems for consideration. They offer a payment of $30 per poem and have a limited number of spots available each month. Details here and here.

This online magazine publishes poetry for children, targeting Key Stage 2 (7-11 years old), but also suitable for Key Stage 1 (5-7 years old) and Key Stage 3 (11-14 years old). They’re currently accepting submissions on the theme “Big Things” until December 31, 2024. You can send up to 3 poems for consideration. Details here


This poetry magazine welcomes submissions of 3-8 poems, with a maximum of 10 pages. They offer a payment of $50 per poet, regardless of the number of poems accepted. Details here.


COMP, affiliated with Piedmont University, is currently accepting submissions through February. They welcome a wide range of genres, including poetry (up to 6 poems, one per page), fiction, creative nonfiction, cross-genre work, and critical prose. Details here.

One Art

This publication has a preference for concise free verse poetry, but they’re also open to considering formal poems that have a free-verse feel. You can submit up to 5 poems, with a maximum of 10 pages. Details here.

Liber: A Feminist Review

LIBER is a feminist publication that showcases book reviews, poetry, and feature articles. They focus on feminist theory, culture, history, and publishing, and welcome submissions that apply a feminist perspective to various works.

Book reviews, typically ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 words, cover nonfiction, fiction, and academic books relevant to feminist audiences or classrooms. They request pitches three to four months ahead of the book’s publication date.

In addition to reviews, LIBER accepts submissions of up to 5 poems and feature articles, usually 2,000 to 4,000 words, on topics related to feminist history and publishing.

Payment rates are $100 per book review, $50 per poem, and $100-300 for feature articles. Details here

Blue Unicorn

This long-running print poetry magazine, Boulevard, has a rich history and a clear vision for the type of poetry they publish. They welcome both formal and non-formal verse, valuing poems that demonstrate effort and skill, regardless of form. You can read about them here.

In formal verse, they look for poems that seem effortless, without forced rhymes or weak words. In non-formal verse, they seek original metaphorical images, unexpected words, and sharply observed details that bring things alive.

The editors emphasize their dislike of clichés, but tolerate a degree of mystery. They prefer poems that require rereading, resist paraphrase, and have a few resonant lines, even if they’re uneven. Ultimately, they’ll choose a puzzling poem over a flat, conventional one.

The Lyric, founded in 1921, is the oldest continuously published magazine in North America dedicated to traditional poetry. They primarily feature rhymed verse in classic forms, with occasional exceptions for blank or free verse. Submissions are limited to 40 lines or less.

To submit, poets must mail their work, as online submissions are not accepted. Contributors receive a complimentary copy of the magazine and become eligible for quarterly and annual prizes. Details here.

(The Lyric is currently hosting a College Poetry Contest, open to full-time undergraduate students at American or Canadian colleges and universities. The contest requires original, unpublished poems written in traditional forms, preferably with regular scansion and rhyme. Entries should be 39 lines or less and written in English.

Awards include cash prizes of $500 for first place, $200 for second place, and $100 for third place. The submission deadline is December 31, 2024. Details here.)

Neologism Poetry Journal

This publication embraces a wide range of poetic styles and forms. To succeed, submitted poems should effectively balance three key elements. Firstly, they should feel pleasant when spoken aloud. Secondly, they should showcase original and interesting language used skillfully. Lastly, they should employ visual spacing, narrative pacing, consistent meter, or a combination of these techniques to engage the reader.

The publication welcomes both formal poetry and more experimental works with dreamlike or unreal qualities. Submissions are limited to five poems. Details here.

Kennings Literary Journal

This print journal, affiliated with Hanover College, is accepting submissions through February 14, 2025, or earlier if capacity is reached. They welcome a variety of formats, including poetry (up to three pieces), fiction, creative nonfiction, art, photography, and other media. Please note that international contributors will receive electronic copies instead of print copies. Details here.

The Cosmic Background

This slipstream publication showcases flash fiction, fiction reprints, and slipstream poetry that pushes boundaries. They prefer poetry that is weird, chilling, upsetting, or thoughtful, aligning with their fiction tastes. Contributors are paid $100 for poetry and $0.10 per word for original fiction, making it a promising outlet for unconventional writers. Details herehere, and here.


This journal specializes in ekphrastic poetry inspired by the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collections and exhibitions. They accept submissions year-round from poets worldwide, with no restrictions on style. Poets can respond to various art forms, including paintings, sculptures, and photographs. Submissions can be unthemed or aligned with one of three current themes: Youth & Old Age, Chiaroscuro, and Mother & Child. The journal allows submissions of up to three poems. Details here.  


The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association’s print journal is a long-standing literary venue for speculative poetry and related content. Since 1978, it has showcased science fiction, fantasy, and horror poetry, as well as short articles, reviews, and art. Writers can submit up to five poems, and the journal pays $0.04 per word for poetry and $0.01 per word for articles. Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Relegation Books: R&R Magazine

R&R Magazine, an initiative of Relegation Books, is currently accepting submissions for poetry, poetry translations, and short fiction. Poets can submit up to 10 pages of their work. The magazine offers competitive payment rates, with $50 awarded for two to five accepted poems and $75 for accepted fiction pieces. The deadline for submissions is March 7, 2025. Details here


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