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Romance Story That Will Captivate You

As I reclined upon my bed, surrounded by the disheveled remnants of a most disagreeable repast, I couldn’t help but pose the query to myself, “What else could go wrong Joanne?”

My gaze fell upon the detestable jollof rice, now sullied and smeared across my bed linens, its very presence an affront to my already frayed nerves. My hands, in a gentle, soothing motion, massaged my coiffure, as if attempting to calm the tempests that raged within.

The recollection of Kwame’s intransigence still lingered, a bitter taste upon my palate, and Tunde’s injudicious remarks had served only to exacerbate my ire. Why must he persist in resurrecting the ashes of that long-dead ardor?

The steady, insistent knockings at my door continued, courtesy of my indefatigable friend Maria which did little to improve my humor. Her apologies like the rhythmic pattern of her knuckles upon the wood, were a flawless, practiced art.

“Go away Maria!” I cried, reaching for my reticule, only to recall with a sinking sense of inevitability that she possessed a spare key to my humble abode. The door swung ajar, admitting a vision of winsome charm, as her countenance aglow with concern peered in upon me.

“Baby girl,” she cooed, her eyes like those of an obedient puppy pleading for admittance. “I didn’t know you hated Tunde’s guts.”

I heaved a sigh, resigned to her ministrations as she enveloped me in a frigid, yet strangely comforting embrace.

“He’s only after sex” I declared, my lip gloss a tiny, defiant flourish.

Maria’s gaze, redolent with suspicion lingered upon me refusing to relinquish its hold. If not Kwame or Tunde, then who? What unknown suitor had captured my attention, and what significance lay in the rediscovery of that crimson strawberry, unused for years?

“You are all excited for today” she observed, her voice a gentle brook, as she settled upon my bed.

“Noooo!” I protested, dashing towards the offending jollof rice, only to be outmaneuvered by Maria’s swift, hound-like reflexes.

This Mrs. Afua can cook oh”, she laughed, appropriating the chicken thigh with a speed that belied my manicured nails.

“Maria!!!” I lamented, regretting the concealment of that most unseemly dish. The jollof rice, a mere trifle had not been my intention, but the chicken, Oh the chicken!, it’s every morsel a stinging reminder of my frustration, as Maria savored each bite with deliberate relish.

“So who is the unfortunate gentleman?” Maria asked, her mouth agape in a comical sight as she spoke around the food.

“None of your concern,” I countered, snatching my reticule, eagerly awaiting an escape from her inquisitive nature.

C-Note…, a gentleman of discretion, would not appreciate my revealing our clandestine understanding to his sister, not even in the most intoxicated of states.

“Tell me” Maria wailed, her voice a plaintive plea as she pursued me with the zeal of an ostrich.

Alas, I was outpaced, and the car….that most inopportune of vehicles chose to favor my friend, its engine roaring to life only after a fourth, most vigorous turn of the key.

“Where are we spending your birthday?”,Maria inquired, her teeth still adorned with remnants of the chicken. I frowned, filled with distaste at that sight.

My friend otherwise was beauty personified, her chocolate-hued complexion offset by lips of deep pink, a true gem. She was for sure one who would doubtlessly captivate the likes of Tunde, most ardent of suitors. His was not in nature to miss an opportunity, especially when presented with a wealthy patron such as myself, ever willing to defray the costs of our excursions.

“Where are we spending money J?” Maria asked again, her hands a persistent annoyance snapping before my gaze. I turned the key once more, hoping to escape her pestering but some venomous words brewed in my mouth.

“Tell me or I’ll bug you for eternity”, she exclaimed, her voice akin to a soprano’s discordant shriek, grating upon my nerves.

To silence her I confessed, “C-note is taking me out.”

Her response was a deafening scream, one that necessitated the halt of my Kia Stinger in the midst of the thoroughfare.”

A passing gentleman of refined features and chiseled countenance chided me with a gentle rebuke, “Watch where you’re going princess.”

Entranced by his visage, I neglected Maria’s vitriolic tirade, her words lost amidst the tumult of my thoughts.

“Ah Joanne! What’s with you and handsome Accra men?”, I elicited a smile as my hands grasping the steering wheel tightened. I wanted to crush it, much like I longed to caress the stranger’s chiseled abdomen.

Maria’s wrath was rekindled, her hand snapping before me again, this time like a whip, as she demanded, “Why would you date my brother?”

My mood, a mask of defiance conveyed the unspoken threats I harbored towards her should she dare question my decision further.

“We are done, Joanne!” Maria exclaimed, her voice trembling, as if on the cusp of tears. In this moment, I felt the burden of duplicity and deceit. Our tumultuous childhood, replete with broken promises had led us to this precipice. We had vowed never to entangle ourselves with each other’s brothers, a pledge I had now violated.

“Maria!” I called out as I parked the car and ran in pursuit.

“Forgive me babes!” I implored, my voice carrying across the neighborhood. She refused to halt, her petite frame disappearing into the distance. I turned back, realizing I had strayed far from my vehicle.

“Please stop! Let me explain….” I cried but she continued her flight, her oil-stained fingers pointing accusingly at me.

“You deceived me J!” she gasped, her tone trembling with rage.

I could not resist a smirk for Maria’s ire was a spectacle to behold. Her countenance was akin to a child’s, contorted in a mixture of tears and indignation, as she stamped her left foot upon the ground.

“I’m sorry okay” I said, grasping her shoulders to still her. “But I love your brother and honestly he is the only thing that looks right in my rich life right now….aside you of course.”

A becoming blush spread across her cheeks and I detected the faintest dilation of her pupils. Maria held a special place in my heart, and I would go to great lengths to protect her.

“C-Note is a flirt,” she warned, her grip on my hand tightening. “But I swear to God, if he so much as mess with you. I’ll kill him, kill you and kill myself.”

I quietly sealed those words with a tender kiss, embracing the joy of our reconciliation. Yet, I knew Maria’s threats were not idle, for she was a force to be reckoned with when provoked.

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