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I felt it as the night sky rolled back. The floor was slippery and the dogs were barking. Rain poured out of the sky and occasionally thunder claps illuminated the grossly dark sky. 

“Mummy, I can’t sleep. Will daddy come back tonight?” Shelby asked, her eyes never leaving my face.

“He’ll be back hon. Trust me,” I said as I patted her face, although I was scared.

“Will you sleep on my bed tonight, mummy?” Sheila asked as she turned in her bed that was opposite her twin’s.

“Why don’t we all go and sleep in my room, the bed is big enough you know?” I asked.

Sheila and Shelby jumped out of their beds with their favorite toys and I led them into the master’s bedroom where Timothy was sleeping soundly in his cot. 

“Daddy is never late mummy, did something happen?” Sheila asked as she sat on the edge of my bed.

“Nothing. He’ll be back soon,” I said trying to assure myself more than them.

Shelby sat at the other edge of the bed with my phone.

“Baby, the network’s poor. You should just sleep,” I said and tried to take the phone away from her hand.

There was a click and I heard someone panting.

“Daddy…” Sheila shouted and I shushed her.

“Can you hear me, babe?” I asked into the phone.

There was no response. 

“Babe, is there something going on? Talk to me for God’s sake,” I said amidst tears. 

“God is nowhere if your heart doesn’t believe it. I am coming home to you, Rosetta.”

A thunder clapped outside and I saw Chuck standing in the middle of the compound. He looked aloof and displaced.

“I’ll be right back honey. You should hold each other and sing yourselves a song so you can sleep. I’ll be right back,” I said and left the room with a blanket.

I ran outside with an umbrella but Chuck wasn’t there. I looked around but there was no one. I was about to leave when I saw the dog, lying on the floor with his neck dislocated from his body.

I felt fear race up my spine as I ran back inside the house and shut the door. I ran into the bedroom and saw my daughters holding themselves and singing ‘twinkle, twinkle, little star’.

I looked around but no one had entered the room except me. 

“Mummy, come and sleep with us,” Shelby said.

I instinctively walked over to the cot, carried Timothy and placed him on the bed between his sisters. 

“I thought daddy was back?” Sheila asked looking at the door. 

“He’s not back baby but we have to be watchful this night. Let’s turn off all the lights and sleep together, alright?” I said with a shrill voice.

“He’s back,” Sheila said and jumped out of the bed.

I turned around and saw Chuck in wet clothes, standing behind me. 

Shelby lay on the bed as though uncertain if she should hug her father.

Sheila was holding her father’s arm with a bountiful smile on her face, she looked delighted.

“I was expecting you home sooner daddy, was the rain too much for you?” Sheila asked before sticking a thumb in her mouth.

Chuck stared at her like he didn’t know who she was. That was when I saw it, the unseeing eyes. 

“Sheila baby, come so I can put you in bed,” I patronized her.

“No. Daddy will put me in bed. Shelby, don’t you want daddy to tuck you in?” Sheila asked her sister who was just watching.

I smiled wryly as I tried to persuade the child over. Chuck seemed to notice and his hands wrapped around her little neck. 

She seemed shocked but it was shortlived. He wrung her neck and she fell on the floor, her grey eyes open but unmoving.

“Oh no!” I whispered as tears cascaded down my eyes. 

I looked back at Shelby and Timothy but Shelby was crying and Timothy was cooing at an unseen object, his innocent sound filled my heart with sorrow. 

I quickly stood up and grabbed the baby while Chuck looked at me unbothered. A thunder clapped and the electricity fizzled out. 

I quickly opened the window and let Shelby out before following behind her. I didn’t know where we were going but we had to leave. 

I tried to open the car door but I realized that I had forgotten the keys inside the house, along with my phone. My heart was beating faster so I told Shelby to hide inside the dog cage with her brother.

I ran back inside but Chuck wasn’t there. I ran back out and checked for the children, luckily they were safely inside. I ran towards the car and hid under, the cold pavement against my face.

I heard a whistling sound close to the dog cage. I looked and saw Chuck fiddling with the dead dog, a knife in his hand and a missing shoe from one foot. 

He wanted to check the cage but I rushed out and he turned around. I leaped on his face and scratched, all the while praying in my heart. 

“Those who know God by mouth and still hold sin in their hearts are just empty liars. Don’t do that child,” he said and I felt cold metal tear through my skin.

I staggered back and clutched my wound. I was bleeding heavily.

Shelby ran out of the dog cage, a rosary in hand.

“The word of God says ‘whatsoever I bind on earth is bound in heaven’ because He has given me power to tread upon serpents and scorpions. I am redeemed and like Joshua, me and my house will serve the Lord!” Shelby shouted.

“Who told you that?” Chuck asked.

“God through His son, Jesus Christ and I know He has made me His son because of my brother!” Shelby replied.

“You are a daughter not son. Don’t provoke me…” Chuck said angrily.

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to leave me and my family alone,” Shelby said, her voice unwavering.

“Stop it!” Chuck screamed and the rain poured heavier.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, leave my family alone in the name of Jesus!” Shelby said.

Chuck fell on his knees and Shelby pointed the rosary at him, “Whom the son of God has set free, is free indeed. Checkmate, you lose because I was given authority!” Shelby said.

Chuck fell on his face and looked at the rosary. He didn’t seem to give up but he was defeated.

“Father Lord, save my daddy as Mrs Nelson in camp said nothing is impossible for you to do. God, you aren’t an author of confusion, let your word be made manifest in our lives,” Shelby prayed.

The rain gradually reduced and Chuck lay on the floor unconscious. I quickly carried the baby away from the dog house and ran inside. Shelby just sat on the floor holding Chuck.

I called the police and a few minutes later, my house was teaming with an ambulance and cop cars.

Sheila was wheeled away and a part of me left with her. She didn’t even get to be eight…


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